
We hoped you enjoyed your New Student Orientation. There are a few important tasks you should complete to prepare you for your first semester.

Check your Student Email Daily

Get in the habit of checking your email daily.  You will be receiving important information that will help prepare you for the start of the semester.  This will also be the primary form of communication for all official Rutgers correspondence.

FERPA Waiver

Review and discuss the FERPA waiver with your family.  For more information, visit

Complete New Student Online Modules

Check your email for information on two online learning modules (U Got This!* and Binge Thinking!) that you need to complete by September 1 for fall admits and February 1 for spring admits.

Waive or Enroll in the Student Health Insurance Plan

Waive or enroll at Mandatory for all full-time and all F&J visa-sponsored students to waive or enroll in the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) each semester. Please do so by February 10, 2025.

Download the RAVE Guardian App

Download the free mobile safety app. Rave Guardian is designed to help faculty, staff, students and guests stay connected and access important campus safety resources. The app is available for use by all Rutgers University students, faculty, staff, and guests who are subscribed to the university’s Emergency Notification System (ENS)

 RU Here Attendance Confirmation

At the start of each semester, students need to complete the RU HERE confirmation of attendance process when attempting to access any online system which requires log-in with their Rutgers NetID. Students must participate in RU HERE before the deadline or their classes and financial aid will be cancelled. Check out the Step-by-Step Instructions located HERE.

Purchase your Parking Permission

On and off Campus parking information can be found on the Rutgers IP&O (Institutional Planning and Operations) website. Learn more...