RU New? Resources

RU New?

Welcome to what we like to call RU New?, a variety of essential resources to assist YOU in your transition to Rutgers University-New Brunswick. Utilize our Podcast and Resources below as you navigate our Rutgers campus.

RU New? Podcast

RU New? Podcast Image


Hi y’all and welcome to RU New the podcast for all things orientation and transition here at Rutgers University NB. First off let me tell you why you should listen in: this podcast is coming to you from the office of student orientation and transition programs. This space is for both new and transitioning students and their families here at Rutgers University.


Follow us on Spotify and stay tuned for future episodes!!


RU New? Resource Guides/Videos

Asian Pacific Islander Desi and Arab (APIDA) Students

Download our APIDA Student Resources Guide

Black and African Diaspora Student Resources

Watch our Black and African Diaspora Student Resource Video 

Commuter/Off-Campus Resources

Download our Commuter Resources Guide

Watch our Commuter/Off-Campus Resource Video

First Generation College Students

Utilize our First Generation College Student Resources

LGBTQIA Students

Watch our Rutgers University Center for Social Justice Education & LGBT Communities Resource Video