Fall Semester Checklist

As you begin to start your first semester, we identified a few things below we think are important for you to know and explore.  This list is not meant to be comprehensive, but rather a starting place.  Reach out to our office if there are specific questions or concerns as you navigate your first semester.

Participate in Welcome Week Events

Welcome Week is designed to help you foster connections, learn about Rutgers culture, and learn to navigate the campus and all of its resources.  Check out welcome.rutgers.edu for more information

Meet with your Academic Advisor

Schedule a meeting to review your academic progress and plans.  Lay out your next few semester and make a list of classes you can take. For more information about your school, click here.

Register to Vote!

Check out Voting Registration and their Frequently Asked Questions page for more information

Get Involved!

Join a club or organization that has shared interests or enhances your academic experience outside the classroom.  Attend a campus event(s) to stay connected and meet new people!  Get started at getINVOLVED.rutgers.edu

Check out the Student Success Website

A central website dedicated to helping you find all the tools and resources to succeed. Check out success.rutgers.edu

Register for your Upcoming Semester Classes

Once you have met with you advisor and are given access to register, choose your classes for the upcoming semester.  Use Degree Navigator and WebReg to aid in the process.